After experiencing the most frightening health crisis of my life, and not getting relief or solutions, no matter where I turned, I knew it was time to commit to finding answers or risk never feeling well again.
Thankfully, through proper testing, I was able to uncover various healing opportunities that allowed me to naturally and holistically heal from Lyme disease, Hashimoto’s disease, mold toxicity, elevated metals, significant detoxification malfunction and hormone imbalances. The best part was that I was able to support my body and healing 100% naturally.
While the word "DETOX" has become an over-used and trendy buzz word, it is a vital part of the puzzle for healing and recovery. Going after root-cause healing opportunities, along with simple lifestyle tweaks, is going to help your body rid itself of harmful toxins that could be causing inflammation, disease and chronic symptoms that are keeping you unwell. This is no juice cleanse, this is the systematic removal of toxic burden that you may have been carrying around for way too long.
Weight gain
Skin issues
Autoimmune symptoms
Hormone Imbalances
Brain fog
Digestive issues
Food Intollorances
Lymphatic system
Increasing circulation
Opening Drainage Pathways
Feel like you're stuck in quicksand, day after day, knowing something is wrong, but no one takes you seriously?
I’ve been there...Day. After. Day. With increasing symptoms—tremors, numbness, heart palpitations, and mental confusion—I knew something was wrong but couldn't find anyone interested in going deeper, beyond the traditional blood tests, to help me find an explanation. That’s when I found a holistic cardiologist who did what nobody else had done.. She listened, dove into my health history, ran the tests, and gave me the answer I’d been desperately searching for, after DECADES of misdiagnosis: Lyme Disease.
It didn’t end there. My healing journey revealed mold, metals, thyroid issues, hormone imbalances, and even a newly acquired autoimmune disease. I viewed all of this as a reason to rejoice! I finally had the lab results to correlate with everything I was feeling and I could now work with my body's own amazing ability to fight illness and restore health. . For the first time, I had proof that EVERYTHING I was feeling wasn’t in my head, and I WASN"T CRAZY or just looking for attention..
Together, we’ll uncover what’s really going on in your body, help you regain control of your health, and unlock your body’s amazing ability to heal itself.
- sheri predebon